
ENews Jewels

  October 2005 - Vol 1. Issue 1

Promote and Grow Your Business

Use Email Subjects with Substance

To get better results from your Emails, tell your recipients what they will get out of reading your message. Whether you are sending an email to 1 or 1000, draw them in by being direct.

Examples of better Email subjects:

  • The B-to-B Networking Lunch not to miss
  • How not to make resolutions in the New Year
  • Attract new clients effortlessly—free TeleClass
  • Stop data entry - scan in hundreds of networking contacts- easily

Avoid filler words in your subjects like hello and greetings. Shy away from ambiguous phrases like “don't you just love it?” Avoid provocative language that is likely to get filtered out by the spam filters.

And of course, watch your email for more gems!



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Telephone imageNext E-Newsletter Teleclass

Nov 1, 2005
1st Tuesday of the month
10-11 AM(est)

Where do stories come from?

How do you conceive ideas for your E-Newsletters?

Take advantage of my next teleclass to learn:

  • What will you write about next?
  • What are some strategies to plan your content?
  • What do you do when you don't like to write?
Join us this month and we'll talk about your challenges and your questions about E-Newsletters.

Signing up for my free teleclass on newsletters is easy. Just drop me an email so I can add you to the list. I'll send you the special phone number to dial into.  Register






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This e-newsletter is published monthly with tips and tricks on better email communication. If you like what you read, we encourage you to forward this to your colleagues.

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